Monday, April 14, 2014

Guest Artist Reflection: Alie Vidich

Guest Artist Reflection: Alie Vidich

Alie Vidich came into the studio with a down-to-earth smile and calm demeanor. Once class started, the room was upbeat and groovin’ side-to-side and back-to-front. The sneaker-wearing Vidich shouldn’t have surprised us with her Zumba-like warm-up, considering she teaches the practice and is also well-known for her large movements that can be seen from a bridge. Yep, a bridge! Alie + the Brigade has been working since 2012 on INVISIBLE RIVER, a dance performance project that takes place on, hanging from, and around Strawberry Mansion Bridge. Check out updates on this work at

In anticipation for Relay for Life, Vidich worked with fifteen Junior Company members to create a Flash Mob to be performed at the event.  Jr. dancer, Haley Galloway,  reminded us why a Flash Mob would be perfect for this event.  “In a Flash Mob you have to think of dance moves that people watching can also learn. It will attract other people’s attention.” 

Our own brigade of dancers impressed each other and impressed the representing Professional CoEXIST members. Not only were they able to keep up with the fast-paced class, but their commitment in class had them quickly executing the moves and performing with a smile. Maddie Ash said, “Your dance teacher isn’t telling you to put your leg up to your head and do a thousand turns. In a Flash Mob, you just let all your energy out.”  Julia described it as “a combination of different styles of dance,” and Kashmir said “it’s spontaneous and… different things.”

Vidich’s ongoing suggestions and playful teaching style challenged and improved the quality of performance from the company. They did not just learn a fun combination – this was a full-on production! Formations, learned steps, and self-invented choreography melded together to create the Flash Mob in less than two hours!

We’re very excited to be bringing this to Relay.  “When you’re at something like Relay for Life people don’t expect you to just jump out and start dancing,” Maria Grandizio explains.  Come see us perform our Flash Mob on May 30, 2014 at the Norwood Relay for Life at Amosland Park! Support our fundraising at: here! 

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